UK Rehabilitation Council, and Department for Business Innovation and Skills

Press release: 30 April 2010

Launching today, PAS 150 is a new code of practice for the delivery of rehabilitation services for all disabilities and health conditions, with both short- and long-term needs.

This code of practice, drawn up in co-operation with the UK Rehabilitation Council (UKRC), is intended to help healthcare providers reduce risk and defend decisions and actions. PAS 150 aims to stimulate innovation and commitment to excellence. It focuses on the interdependence between work, health and wellbeing.

Catherine McLoughlin CBE, Chair of the Rehabilitation Council said: "Good rehabilitation services delivered by competent providers are an important element to enable people who have sustained injury, ill health or sickness to improve or regain their independence and return to work."

I am delighted that the UKRC will be supporting quality rehabilitation practices with their latest initiative, a new code of practice for the delivery of rehabilitation services. PAS 150 will allow providers of rehabilitation services to assess their provision for quality, efficiency and value, thus leading to improved outcomes for people using their services."

Service providers can use this code of practice to:

  • Benchmark their services and demonstrate a commitment to excellence
  • Improve the quality, efficiency, value and outcomes of rehabilitation services
  • Encourage service user independence and autonomy, placing their personal goals at the heart of decision-making
  • Support the service user’s journey through early and specialist rehabilitation, community rehabilitation and vocational rehabilitation
  • Provide a tool for service planning and development, for staff and service user induction, for development and programme evaluation.

Who will benefit from PAS 150?

The rehabilitation sector in the UK has grown rapidly in the past ten years. PAS 150 is for use by providers of rehabilitation services, and health and social care professionals, regardless of their employment environment, target population or area of specific expertise.

It is also of interest and benefit to purchasers and anyone using these services. Individuals working in residential facilities, specialist centres and other local community-based services will also be able to use this code of practice.

PAS 150 is sponsored by